We're changing the way you

Join CodeLab and start your journey towards becoming a coding expert.Empower Your Journey with Expert Mentorship, Interactive Courses, and a Thriving Community.

Learn from community experts

At CodeLab, access a wide range of coding courses, including many available for free. Learn interactively with hands-on exercises, real-time feedback, and expert mentorship. Join our community and enhance your coding skills today!

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Earn from teaching

At CodeLab, create and sell coding courses to earn a significant share of enrollment fees. Set your prices, publish your courses.Join us to start turning your expertise into earnings!

Designed by community for your growth.

Here at CodeLab we focus on revolutionizing the way you learn, teach, earn, and build by providing interactive coding courses, expert mentorship, and a vibrant community to support your growth every step of the way.

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Empowering people to learn and join worldwide communities

At CodeLab, we believe in the power of education and community. Our platform offers diverse, interactive courses, many of which are free, to help you develop your coding skills. Connect with a global network of learners and experts, gain real-time feedback, and grow together. Join us to unlock your potential and be part of a vibrant, supportive community!

Boost your productivity.

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Frequently asked questions

To create a course, log in to your Codelabs account and navigate to the 'Create Course' section. Fill out the course details, including the title, description, and curriculum. Once you're done, submit your course for review. After approval, your course will be published and available for learners.

Yes, you can earn money by creating and publishing courses on Codelabs. You will receive a percentage of the revenue generated from course sales. Ensure your course is well-structured and engaging to attract more learners and increase your earnings.

Yes, Codelabs offers a variety of free courses in different categories. You can browse the course catalog and filter by 'Free' to find courses that are available at no cost. This is a great way to start learning without any financial commitment.

Codelabs accepts various payment methods including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and mpesa payment methods. During the checkout process, you can select your preferred payment method to complete your purchase.

If you need assistance, you can contact customer support by visiting the 'Support' section on the website. Fill out the contact form with your query, or use the provided email address to reach out directly. The support team typically responds within 24-48 hours.

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